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Long Form Setup Instructions

It is not recommended you follow this unless you have a custom setup!

Spin up EL/CL/VL nodes with eth-docker on holesky

Clone the eth-docker repo

git clone --recursive
./ethd install
./ethd config
    1. Select "Holešovice Network"
    2. Select "Ethereum Node" for the next step.
    3. Select "Geth" and "lighthouse"
    4. Press yes and use the default values for all settings, input your wallet's public key for the rewards wallet address

Start The Validator

./ethd up
go install
go install
eth2-val-tools mnemonic

Start the sidecar -- Clone Validator Quickstart Repo

git clone --recursive
cd validator-quickstart/holesky

Update the secrets.env file

  • Decide on how many deposits you would like to perform. Generally this would be (amount of testnet ether you possess)/32. Set the ACC_START_INDEX and ACC_END_INDEX in secrets.env accordingly.
  • update the

Register validators

// update the fields beow according to your information. The acc_start_index is typically 0, and the acc_end_index corresponds to the number of validators you want to start. It is typically 1 for starting 1 validator.
eth2-val-tools keystores --source-mnemonic "$VALIDATORS_MNEMONIC" --insecure --source-min $ACC_START_INDEX --source-max $ACC_END_INDEX

This will create assigned_data directory which holds keys and secrets folder. You should copy these two folders inside [eth-docker folder path]/.eth/validator_keys and run ethd keys import to import keys for ethd validator instance.

TIP: In case you don't see any progress from the above command, try pressing Ctrl+C until you can get the following result

keys and secrets directories found, assuming keys generated by eth2-val-tools
Keystore files directly under .eth/validator keys will be imported in a second pass
WARNING - imported keys are immediately live. If these keys exist elsewhere,
you WILL get slashed. If it has been less than 15 minutes since you deleted them elsewhere,
you are at risk of getting slashed. Exercise caution
I understand these dire warnings and wish to proceed with key import (No/yes)

Update cb-config.toml file (for commit-boost)

  vi cb-config.toml
  // update beacon url line

Update .config file for interstate-sidecar

update these lines


Run the interstate-sidecar and commit-boost

docker compose up

Verify Setup

npm install preconf-cli
preconf-cli healthcheck-sidecar

This will check the sidecar, commit-boost instance, and relay to see your setup was run correctly.

Please notify the team in the Interstate Operators Telegram Group notifying the team of your validator index along with your sidecar ip-address+port

Congrats, You're finished with the setup!